What’s the difference between 〇 and △ ?
「〇 と △の違いは何ですか?」
“What’s”は“What is”の略です。
“in use”を入れて、「使い方の違いは」としてもOKです。
What is the difference in use between 〇 and △ ?
「〇 と △の使い方の違いは何ですか?」
「〇 と △の使い方の違いは何ですか?」
What’s the difference between awful and terrible ?
What is the difference in use between terrible and horrible?
「terrible と horribleの使い方の違いは何ですか?」
What is the difference in use between terrible and horrible?
「terrible と horribleの使い方の違いは何ですか?」
ちなみに、「違いが分かる?」と聞きたい場合は、“See a difference”を使ってSee the difference between A and Bとします。
I can see the difference between awful and terrible.
Did you see a difference between awful and terrible?
Can you see the difference awful and terrible?
Did you see a difference between awful and terrible?
Can you see the difference awful and terrible?